of New Chapter

Arctic Ice of New Chapter
PLL: Clear by birth

  303 g - Geburtsgewicht
3430 g - und steigend

Arctic Ice of New Chapter Arctic Ice of New Chapter

 303 g - Geburtsgewicht

 Arctic Ice of New Chapter Arctic Ice of New Chapter
396 g - am 4. Tag  
 Arctic Ice of New Chapter  Arctic Ice of New Chapter


Arctic Ice of New Chapter 

543 g - am 7. Tag

 Arctic Ice of New Chapter  Arctic Ice of New Chapter


  Arctic Ice of New Chapter
860 g - am 14. Tag

Arctic Ice of New Chapter Arctic Ice of New Chapter
1380 g - am 22. Tag
 Arctic Ice of New Chapter  Arctic Ice of New Chapter
1690 g - am 28. Tag
Arctic Ice of New Chapter Arctic Ice of New Chapter
2200 g - am 35. Tag
 Arctic Ice of New Chapter  Arctic Ice of New Chapter
3040 g - am 49. Tag
 Arctic Ice of New Chapter  Arctic Ice of New Chapter
3430 g - am 56. Tag
  Lothar und Melina mit Arctic Ice of New Chapter
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